14 °C Budapest

Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement: The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

2004. január 24. 11:33

The International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG) European Center and the Foundation for Research into the World Economy kindly invites you to the conference on Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement: The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova The patron of the conference is Mr. Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary and the main sponsors of the

The International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG) European Center and the Foundation for Research into the World Economy kindly invites you to the conference on

Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement:
The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

The patron of the conference is Mr. Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary
and the main sponsors of the event are Freedom House and United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Date of the Conference: 5-6 February, 2004
Venue: István Széchenyi Room of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Budapest
(1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt.99)

The conference will be a first event of a research program that focuses on the future of economic relations between the Central European accession countries and the CIS countries. The conference will feature both plenary sessions with invited keynote speakers and sessions devoted to special topics including the macroeconomic developments in the two regions and the relation between them in banking, investments, foreign trade and corporate sector. The conference will feature presentations from political scientists, researchers, representatives of business organizations and governments as well as international financial organizations.

The attendance to the conference is free of charge but is subject to space availability, therefore early registration is requested. Please find the detailed program as well as the registration form on the bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT CHANGE! Due to technical reasons we cannot provide translations, therefore the working language of the conference is English. Thank You for your understanding!

Bárkinek járhat ingyen 8-11 millió forint, ha nyugdíjba megy: egyszerű igényelni!

A magyarok körében évről-évre nagyobb népszerűségnek örvendenek a nyugdíjmegtakarítási lehetőségek, ezen belül is különösen a nyugdíjbiztosítás. Mivel évtizedekre előre tekintve az állami nyugdíj értékére, de még biztosítottságra sincsen garancia, úgy tűnik ez időskori megélhetésük biztosításának egy tudatos módja. De mennyi pénzhez is juthatunk egy nyugdíjbiztosítással 65 éves korunkban és hogyan védhetjük ki egy ilyen megtakarítással pénzünk elértéktelenedését? Minderre választ kaphatsz ebben a cikkben, illetve a Pénzcentrum nyugdíj megtakarítás kalkulátorában is. (x)

Should any question arise concerning the conference, please contact Ágnes Szigetvári at
+36 1 218 1160/103 extension or by e-mail at aszigetvari@axelero.hu e-mail address.

We hope that you will find the program of the conference stimulating and worth attending and we can enjoy a fruitful meeting.

Preliminary programme

Registration forms:word pdf

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