Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement: The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
The International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG) European Center and the Foundation for Research into the World Economy kindly invites you to the conference on Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement: The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova The patron of the conference is Mr. Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary and the main sponsors of the
Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement:
The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
The patron of the conference is Mr. Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary
and the main sponsors of the event are Freedom House and United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Date of the Conference: 5-6 February, 2004
Venue: István Széchenyi Room of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Budapest
(1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt.99)
The attendance to the conference is free of charge but is subject to space availability, therefore early registration is requested. Please find the detailed program as well as the registration form on the bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT CHANGE! Due to technical reasons we cannot provide translations, therefore the working language of the conference is English. Thank You for your understanding!
A Pénzcentrum lakáshitel-kalkulátora szerint ma 18 990 380 forintot 20 éves futamidőre már 6,54 százalékos THM-el, havi 139 249 forintos törlesztővel fel lehet venni a K&H Banknál. De nem sokkal marad el ettől a többi hazai nagybank ajánlata sem: az UniCredit Banknál szintén 6,54% a THM, míg a CIB Banknál 6,68%; a Raiffeisen Banknál 6,79%, az Erste Banknál 6,89%, az OTP Banknál pedig 7,84%. Érdemes még megnézni magyar hitelintézetetek további konstrukcióit is, és egyedi kalkulációt végezni, saját preferenciáink alapján különböző hitelösszegekre és futamidőkre. Ehhez keresd fel a Pénzcentrum kalkulátorát. (x)
Should any question arise concerning the conference, please contact Ágnes Szigetvári at
+36 1 218 1160/103 extension or by e-mail at e-mail address.
We hope that you will find the program of the conference stimulating and worth attending and we can enjoy a fruitful meeting.
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